Room-sized differential analyzers were among the largest computing devices built before the advent of mainframe computers. The first was completed in 1930 by Vannevar Bush and his associates at MIT ...
Designed to solve differential equations, the Differential Analyzer was used in World War II to calculate ballistics tables that showed the trajectory of a projectile over distance. Containing ...
Instead, this device actually does something useful! [Tim Robinson’s] differential analyzer can solve differential equations through several stages of mechanical integrators. The result is a pen ...
The harmonic analyzers that sold were elegant instruments. Vannevar Bush and his colleagues made more complex, room-sized electrically powered analog machines for doing complex calculations. These ...
Partial differential equations (PDEs) lie at the heart of many different fields of Mathematics and Physics: Complex Analysis, Minimal Surfaces, Kähler and Einstein Geometry, Geometric Flows, ...
Since the method is based on the temperature difference, it is called differential thermal analysis. Figure 1 shows the Li-ion DTA experimental set up with two rigs in use. The left ring tests small ...