Building a maze-solving robot is an intresting way to get into the world of robotics and autonomous systems. Imagine creating ...
You’ll learn how to make the AI-integrated PiDog do things, showing how virtual programming translates to real-world objects.
However, the three co-founders of Bengaluru-based, DIY robotics startup QtPi, are on a mission to teach children ‘how to think’ and not ‘what to think’. “Today’s kids are in consumer mode.
[Aaed Musa] has built a variety of robots over the years, but found off-the-shelf servos to be underwhelming for his work. Thus, he set out to build a better actuator to support his goals of ...
We’ve seen many creative 3D designs here on Hackaday and [jegatheesan.soundarapandian’s] Baby MIT Cheetah Robot is no exception. You’ve undoubtedly seen MIT’s cheetah robot. Well, ...
Named in reference to Lie Yukou, a Chinese mythological figure capable of riding the wind, KOU-III is a small, bipedal robot that walks like a chicken, but utilizes a quadrotator system to assist ...
Today, however, we're showing off a cool DIY robot rover kit, known as the StoRPer, created by Jo Hinchliffe, that you can build at home. It has an open source design and is powered by one of our ...