If cow belches and farts are so bad, why didn’t the vast herds of 60 million bison roaming the U.S. West before the 1880s ...
Growing unease over seasonal prospects in some parts of the country has seen the momentum in early-season slaughter cattle ...
7. Another theory is that pesticides played a part Before the days of Mad Cow Disease, cattle in Britain were being doused with a pesticide, used to kill grubs of a pest called the warble fly.
In one incident nine cows taken cover under a tree were killed and one blinded Ranchers in southern Chile say a series of lightning strikes has killed more than 60 of their dairy cows, costing the ...
Lucknow: Spotted for the third time in last 48 hours, the Rehmankheda tiger preyed on a cow in Budhhiya village after a 100-metre pursuit, on Saturday morning. Forest department officials ...