Vitamin D, magnesium, and B12 deficiencies were common among people with type 2 diabetes according to new research.
On average, the burden of sugar-sweetened beverage intake was higher among men than women, as well as among younger adults, ...
Managing diabetes is even harder when temperatures and humidity are rising. Find out how extreme heat can negatively affect ...
A new review found as many as 45% of Type 2 diabetics are suffering multiple deficiencies in vitamins, minerals and ...
The warning signs of diabetes can be really subtle - but one lesser-known symptom to look out for is itchy genitals. An ...
In nine out of ten patients with type 2 diabetes, severe obesity, known as adiposity, leads to diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is ...
And previously published research suggests that micronutrients have a key role in the development of type 2 diabetes, by ...
A combination of an SGLT-2 inhibitor drug and a moderately calorie-restrictive diet leads to higher rates of type 2 diabetes ...
Developing regions such as Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean showed particularly alarming numbers ...
The hormone adrenomedullin disrupts insulin signaling in blood vessel cells, contributing to systemic insulin resistance in obesity-associated type 2 diabetes, according to a new study.