Joining the Pope, Catholic clergy around the country offered prayers for the deceased and condolences for victims’ loved ones ...
Prayer for the dead is almost a battle with the reality of death and destruction that weighs down upon the earthly existence of man. This is and remains a particular revelation of the Resurrection.
A Catholic perspective on ghost stories reveals why some apparitions may be souls in Purgatory — and why the Church urges us to pray for them.
From The Freeman's Journal. While the Ritualists are right in their belief in prayers for the dead, their attitude in reference to the Episcopal Church, of which they claim to be members ...
"In commending the souls of the deceased to the loving mercy of Almighty God, I offer my deepest sympathies to the families ...
U.S. Catholic bishops – joined by Pope Francis – are calling for prayer after a deadly aviation crash in the nation’s capital ...
U.S. Catholic bishops and Pope Francis call for prayer after a deadly plane and helicopter collision claimed dozens of lives.
An international Catholic charity is calling for 24 hours of prayer to end the violent conflict that broke out in Myanmar ...