The species Gigantopithecus blacki, which once lived in southern China, represents the largest great ape known to scientists — standing 10 feet tall and weighing up to 650 pounds. But its size ...
Scientists at UCL examined DNA from human's closest relative chimpanzees to make a significant finding in relation to how their bodies have adapted to resist the ravages of malaria - one of the world' ...
After a year teaching an algorithm to differentiate between the echolocation calls of different bat species, Katarina decided she was simply too greedy to focus on one field. Following an internship ...
How did humans evolve into the big-brained, bipedal ape that we are ... There was a great diversity of ape species in the Miocene, with dozens of species known from the fossil record across ...
It’s the first time that different species of ape, each with a distinctive body style and diet, have been found coexisting outside of Africa, researchers say. Based on the size and shape of ...