There are 4 direct trains that run between Chandauli Majhwar and Bhubaneswar. The train schedules consist of 4 weekly trains. These include Duronto, Mail Express, Rajdhani and Super Fast trains.
BHUBANESWAR : In order to involve adolescents ... with BMC are developing a model adolescent-friendly public space at Rajdhani college. The space is being developed using a tactical urbanism ...
Relatively less popular, Chandipur beach in Balasore district of Odisha is known for its pristine charm and scenic beauty. One… How to Cycle From Kinnaur to Spiti Valley in Himachal Pradesh ...
There are 4 direct trains that run between Bhubaneswar and Chandauli Majhwar. The train schedules consist of 4 weekly trains. These include Duronto, Mail Express, Rajdhani and Super Fast trains.