Kostas Axelos (1924-2010) was one of the most important Greek philosophers of the 20th century, internationally recognized ...
The Tetrapharmakos is a four-part remedy crafted by ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus to ease life’s anxieties and heal the ...
Antisthenes, Cynic philosopher and tutor of Diogenes, championed simplicity, virtue, and freedom, influencing Stoic thought.
The Republic, the best-known work of ancient Greek philosopher Plato, authored around 375 BC, has shaped western political thought. Greece is now known as the “cradle of democracy”. Not only was the ...
No other classic text has left such a mark on how we tell stories, create theatre, and structure film. But what does it ...
4. Get training The original Olympic Games of Ancient Greece and how they differed from the Games of today. 5. Philosophy Exploring the Ancient Greek contribution to philosophy, maths, astronomy ...