analytica USA picks up on analytica's unique selling point by covering the entire spectrum of laboratories in industry and research, from laboratory planning to final equipment. Experts from the Women ...
Cambridge Analytica was founded in 2013. It was the offshoot of a British company, SCL Group (formerly Strategic Communication Laboratories), and was set up as a U.S. subsidiary company of SCL.
What the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal lacks in relevance it sure makes up for in melodramatic rhetoric. Take Bloomberg, for instance, which reported, “The revelations of the apparent ...
It means Facebook will have to face a class action lawsuit over accusations it misled investors about the Cambridge Analytica data scandal, which stemmed from the company using data from tens of ...
IFAT Africa and analytica Lab Africa will be co-located at the Gallagher Convention Centre this year to optimise the synergies across the laboratories, science and innovation sectors and the water, ...
Cambridge Analytica's name has already been taken down from the wall of the London office it occupied The closure of Cambridge Analytica will not stop a probe into the firm's handling of millions ...
Documents shared by Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Christopher Wylie spell out how parent company SCL Group tried to influence elections worldwide. One letter also refers to its support of 15 ...