A nurse in Karnataka has been suspended for using Fevikwik instead of stitches on a child's wound, citing it would prevent ...
A nurse at a government hospital in southern India has been suspended for using commercial adhesive instead of stitches to treat a child’s wound.
The topical tissue adhesive from Heal & Care GmbH, Switzerland, is unique in the sense that it can be used in various surgeries as replacement or complementary to the physical sutures or stitches ...
A nurse at Primary Health Centre in Karnataka’s Haveri district used superglue instead of sutures on a child’s facial injury, ...
It is a way to close wounds without needing to use sutures or stitches and it is strictly an adhesive tape with a little clip on it to give the wound apposition as it closes. DermaClip is ...
A Karnataka nurse has been suspended for using Fevikwik adhesive on a child's wound instead of stitching it | One of India's ...